A családunkkal együtt az újonnan létrejött Központi régióban vagyunk, másik kb. 200 tanítvánnyal. Maga ez a régió nem sokkal nagyobb, mint a budapesti egyház. Richard és Lilian Hislop vezetik a régiónkat, akik remek emberek. Rengeteg szeretetet, elfogadást, barátságot és lelki tanítást kapunk tőlük. És még jókat is nevetünk együtt - de ez egy másik tanulsága az ittlétünknek...
A bostoni egyház vett egy templomot itt Arlingtonban, aminek a felújítása éppen csak elkezdődött. Jövő március-áprilisra lesz kész a felújítás első fázisa. Addig a helyi színházban tartjuk az istentiszteleteket.
Ground-breaking ceremónia - az ásónál Richard Hislop |
"Tehát mindenkor bizakodunk, és tudjuk, hogy amíg a testben lakunk, távol lakunk az Úrtól; mert hitben járunk, nem látásban." 2 Kor. 5:6-7
Ez a hitben járás gyakorlati megvalósítása. Nem látjuk, hogy Isten hogyan fog dolgozni, de nagy bizalommal, biztonsággal vágunk bele a hitben járásba, még ha a részletek nem is világosak! Imádkozom, hogy Isten növelje a hitemet, és egyre jobban menjen nekem is a hitben járás.
So that this blog would contain more than just family experiences, I thought I write about what we learn spiritually here in Boston. We learn many things and I'll write more but I will start with the most significant one to this date.
Together with my family we moved to the newly formed Central Region together with about 200 disciples. The region itself is not much larger than the Budapest church. Richard and Lilian Hislop lead our region who are remarkable people. We receive a lot of love, acceptance, friendship and spiritual teaching from them. And we have great laughs together - but that is another lesson...
The Boston Church purchased a church building here in Arlington and its renovations just got started. The first stage of it will be ready for next March-April. Until then we meet in the local theater for services.
The fact that we are in a newly starting region provides us the opportunity to learn many church building principles. One of these revolutionary principles is what Richard called "certainty before clarity". This means that we can start new things knowing God is working even without having a clear picture of how they would work out. For me it was very important to see the steps (engineering thinking) that lead to the proper outcome before starting out with enthusiasm. So this "let's get going, God will work" attitude was very different. Not that Richard is an irresponsible leader, he does pay attention to detail, but the fact that not everything is worked out to the last detail does not effect his faith. This approach not only biblical, it is indeed inspiring!
"Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord. We live by faith, not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:6-7 (NIV)
This living by faith in practice. We don't see how God will work but with great certainty and confidence we start out living by faith even if the details are unclear. I pray that God would increase my faith so I would get better and better in living by faith.
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